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2023-04-25 07:31:25 来源:哔哩哔哩

English Idioms英文成语

1take it with a grain of salt:半信半疑;


英文解释:-not believe it to be completely true or correct:不要相信它完全是对的。

例句:When the salesman starts talking about how buying an expensive new car will make your life really great, you should take it with a grain of salt.



英文解释:-to choose only specific items (the best parts) and ignore the rest:直选最好的忽略其他的。

例句:I don't trust that newspaper. Their reporting isn't very balanced; they tend to cherry-pickthe information in favor of one particular political party.


3is not really my cup of tea.不是我的菜

英文解释:-you don't like it very much:不怎么喜欢的东西。

例句:My friends went to the art museum, but I decided to come to the beach instead. Contemplating paintings for hours is not really my cup of tea.


4rub salt in the wound:在伤口上撒盐。

英文解释:-to make a sad person feel even worse:让一个伤心的人感到更差。

例句:I was sick and couldn't go to the party. Don't rub salt in the woundby telling me how great it was.


5sharp cookie:非常聪明的人;


例句:My 3-year-old daughter already knows how to use the computer. She's one sharp cookie!


6tough cookie:勇敢坚强的人;不屈不挠的人

英文解释:-courageous and strong:勇敢坚强;

例句:Did you hear about the grandmother who chased a robber out of her house with a kitchen knife? What a tough cookie!


7a piece of cake:小菜一碟;

英文解释:-it's very easy:非常简单

例句:That math test was a piece of cake. I didn't even study and I bet I got every question right.

